By Huyen Nhi on March 29, 2009 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBacks (0)
blog post it note  copy.png
Has it really been six months since I've posted in here?  I guess time flies when you are having fun (and staying busy!).  There's much to post about and because I'm woefully behind, the post-it note above will be a new, recurring feature here.  You know, something to keep me accountable.  And on track. 

Here's a quick recap since my last post:
    - Mark II arrived right before Christmas and I'm smitten.  He's a workhorse.  I think he is my new favorite accessory (move over shoes and handbags!).
    - I worked for about 3 months and finally launched my website.  Now that it is up and running, I'm thinking about launching something bigger and better.  But only after some of the above are checked off.
    - We updated the blog to include a larger header.  Thanks T for your genius coding!
    - I attended WPPI back in February and it has taken me until now to decompress.  I'll go into more detail when I do a recap in a future post. 

There's much more to say, but I need to get working on that to-do list.  Hopefully next time around, there'll be a few more red checks on this list. 

Bye Peeps!

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